Windows of Time
While chatting with our Innkeeper Janis, one of her guests’ mentioned he was aware that her days were in constant motion, insuring that her guests were happy and comfortable. Fitting in time for herself in between was not an easy task. Janis replied to her guest, ‘yes, Innkeepers live by the Windows of Time, taking care of our own needs only after the Inn guests have checked out and the daily operations of the Inn are complete”. The next morning, this very thoughtful guest handed Janis a poem he wrote after their conversation and we thought it well worth sharing –
Windows of Time
Inn keepers live through windows of time
and are watched through peep holes of doors,
called on by many,
appreciated by few.
Your days are never through.
Through the windows of time,
I look through my peep hole at you,
a big heart and a kind soul is what I see,
when I see you.
Written to Janis by H.H.H. her guest at the Inn at Laurita Winery 9/20/14